Wealth Management

Ready to make the most of your nest egg?

It’s never too early to start planning for the future.  At Scarborough Capital Management, we’ve been guiding people like you down the road to their retirements for over 35 years.

Our full service wealth management includes everything you may need to manage your future:

  • Comprehensive financial planning
  • Investment management
  • Retirement planning
  • Pension analysis
  • Social security analysis
  • Unlimited support with your dedicated advisor

Build your wealth and secure your future

We’ll help you become a wealth accumulator. Effective wealth accumulators are not necessarily that different from other people.  What they do have, however, is a carefully planned strategy and the discipline to execute it consistently.  They also know that they need to keep emotion out of their investing decisions.

What we do:

  • Use evidence-based strategies that have stood the test of time
  • Carefully manage risk, with the goal of more consistent returns
  • Analyze investment options using a multitude of criteria, including, but not limited to expenses, risk, style, and track record
  • Explain the process to you in plain English, so you understand and are comfortable with how your money is invested

What we DON’T do:

  • Try to get you into the next “hot” stocks. Instead we rely on facts, not fads to drive your investment success.
  • Overwhelm you with technical information. We know you’re busy and we’ll explain things in a way that is easy to understand.

Wealth Management chart

How Does It Work?

Our continuous process starts when you sign up.

  1. First, we’ll listen to you: what are your goals?  Where are you starting from?  Where do you want to end up?
  2. You’ll receive comprehensive financial planning with our CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and CHARTERED RETIREMENT PLANNING COUNSELOR™ professionals. We’ll help you analyze and address every part of your financial life including:  investments, debt, estate planning, taxes, social security, employee benefits and pension, college funding and much more.
  3. Your financial plan will be thoroughly stress tested.
  4. We’ll begin working with you to implement the plan. This will include ongoing meetings and check-ins to make sure we are on track to your goals.
  5. Over time, each area of your financial life will be addressed.

The best part?  With our unlimited support, you’re free to contact your advisor to discuss any financial question you might have.  This can help you avoid the common financial mistakes that set people back….and keep you on track to your most confident future.

Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. (CFP) owns the certification marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER and CFP (with plaque design) in the United States., which it authorizes use of by individuals who successfully complete CFP Board’s initial and ongoing certification requirements.

We’ll help you become a wealth accumulator.

Let Us Know How We Can Help You!

At Scarborough Capital Management, we’ve been helping people manage their wealth for over 35 years.